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3D Interactive Pool Table Projection

Billiards meets interactive projection, cool special effects, light and shadow effects, attract everyone’s attention.Interactive Pool Table 3d Projection Play billiards on this digitally upgraded pool table that interacts with every movement over the surface of the table.

FUN 3D IInteractive Pool Table Projection

BEST 3D Interactive Pool Table Projection is an entertainment project that combines AR and billiards. Its appearance adds a lot of creativity and fun to the traditional billiards game. Through high-tech means such as projection and special effects, MAGIC BILLIARD turns the pool table into a wonderful stage. Both the billiard ball and the cue can float, fly and deform on the table, and various fantastic scenes can also appear as the scene changes. Effect. Players can enjoy the fun of the game and challenge their skills in such a magical environment.Play billiards on this digitally upgraded pool table that interacts with every movement over the surface of the table

Billiards meets interactive projection, cool special effects, light and shadow effects, attract everyone’s attention.

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1.Breaking the tradition ofbilliard entertainment
The combination of traditional balltable and light and shadow technologycan customize special effectsaccording to the needs of the sceneenvironment.
2.Novel visual experience
The cool picture satisfies people’syearning and pursuit for novelty, andat the same time enhances theentertaining viewing of the game
3.Multiple challenge modes
Supports a variety of challengemodes,such as heads-up mode,battlemode and time challenge mode
4.Enhance entertainmentinteractivity
An interactive projection game
integrating virtual simulation technologyand image recognition technology.

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3D Interactive Pool Table Projection


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Magic billiard
Cool special effects,light and shadoweffects, attracteveryone’s attention.
Magic Billiard equipment manufacturers

Magic Billiard

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Business phone: 86-20-3925-9997 (working hours) 86-13602266736 (non-working hours)

Fax: 86-020-3925-9995


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