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3D Holographic Projection Restaurant room

3D Holographic Projection Holographic immersive space artistic conception restaurant combined with naked eye3D, lighting, background and other technological elements, thus creating avariety of cool theme restaurants. holographic immersive artistic conceptionrestaurant makes use of interactive effects such as desktop projection andground projection to increase guests’ dining fun. holographic theme restaurantcan be easily changed, one minute in the vast sea, the next second into the quietstars, all just a touch of the finger

fun 3D Holographic Projection Restaurant room

3D Holographic Projection Restaurant room Holographic immpersive artistic conception restaurant combined with naked eye3D, lighting, background and other technological elements, thus creating avariety of cool theme restaurants. holographic immersive artistic conceptionrestaurant makes use of interactive effects such as desktop projection andground projection to increase guests’ dining fun. holographic theme restaurantcan be easily changed, one minute in the vast sea, the next second into the quietstars, all just a touch of the finger

3D holographic projection restaurant technology

3D holographic projection restaurant renderings

3D holographic interactive projection restaurant equipment price

3D holographic projection restaurant solution

Reduce the cost of decoration to the greatestextent, get a variety of different decorativeeffects, can be used again.
Fantastic scenes, theme customization, keepup with the pace of fashion.
In-depth interaction, enhance the restauranttechnology experience.
Novelty enough to absorb fine, network “‘showdazzle sun” to get more users eyeball economy.

Interesting 3D holographic interactive projection game for children

3D holographic interactive projection game for children

Interesting children's 3D all-round interactive projection game

Cool 3D all-round interactive projection solution

Special hanger for engineering projection, Synchronizedplayback system, wireless control system, window system,speak system, control cable, Professional engineering graderouter, Professional engineering grade switches
3d object visualization using interactive holographic projection

3d holographic projection introduction

disadvantages of 3d holographic projection technology

musion 3d holographic projection

how 3d holographic projection technology works

advantages of 3d holographic projection

microsoft 3d holographic projection
what is the principle of 3d holographic projection



Business phone: 86-20-3925-9997 (working hours) 86-13602266736 (non-working hours)

Fax: 86-020-3925-9995

    Additional information

    select product:

    Immersive space 200M², Immersive space 50M²


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